Welcome to Birchwood Local Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Clinic


Mrs. Charlotte Marchant

Specialities include sports injuries, musculoskeletal back and neck problems, orthopaedic rehabilitation, manual therapy, treatment of whiplash, paediatric musculoskeletal injuries, muscle balance/core stability, Medical-Legal work, industrial accidents, Mobilisations, Manipulation, Electrotherapy, Acupuncture,

Deep Friction Massage,

Posture Re-education,

Exercise Programmes.

If you've ever wondered what physiotherapy is and what physiotherapists do then this section of the site is for you. Very briefly, physiotherapy is a healthcare profession concerned with human function and movement and maximising potential. Physiotherapists work in a wide variety of health settings such as intensive care, mental illness, stroke recovery, occupational health, and care of the elderly. Physiotherapy is certainly far more than fixing musculoskeletal sports injuries although that is perhaps the most common perception of the profession.
